Saturday, February 27, 2010


Today was one of the free workouts at Crossfit Central . I attended the kettlebell workout. After our warm up we played around with the bells, practicing some moves we would need in the following workout. We then lined up outside and began our workout which was as follow:
AMRAP 12 min (originally 20 mins)
10 squat cleans (single arm)
American swining with Lateral stepping (length marked off)
10 push ups

I think I completed around 7 or 8 rounds (again not a great counter) with a 12kg bell. Then we all took the bell we were swinging and we had to do a walk....with the bell overhead at all times. This isn't as easy as it sounds. If you needed to switch hands you had to stop. This wasn't easy. After we all came in from our workouts we put the bells away and did a little tabata workotu with knees to elbows and planks. This wasn't so bad. THEN because it was someones birthday...Birthday Blurpees...she turned 33. So yes, 33 blurpees. After all that I practice some pull ups at the gym, took duker to the park and had a long mucho needed nap! Life is good!


2.21.10 Sunday
Well I had soem making up to do...I did one EPOC strength and one EPOC endurance today. The strength one went as followed:
4 rounds:
20 mtn climbers
20 planks w/ leg lifts
20 push ups
20 pain brushers (lifting up arms)

This was a shoulder KILLER! OUCH! I called time at 6:07 but I honestly don't think my push ups would have counted if coach was standing there counting. but maybe! The best thing about this workout is there was no equipment involved and you could do it at home.

The EPOC endurance workout went as followed:
4 rounds: Tabata lunges (20 seconds on then 10 sec off) then a 400m run

Since this day had GREAT weather I told my friend Rachael to meet me at the Bowie track and join me in on the workout. I also brought the Duke! We had a great time! Needless to say, I was SORE! LOL! I didn't keep time I just completed the workout. This was another "no equipment one" I enjoyed!

I did this EPOC orkout with Melisa (no suprise). The workout went as followed:
3 Rounds: (m 55lbs/F 35lbs)
800m run
8 front squats

We decided to use 45lbs barbells (10lb more than the rx) instead of a dumbbell. We figured it was a single dumbbell so I hope we were right. Anyways we started out on the treader. knocked out an 800m run at 9mph then ran to our barbells completed each set of 8 then back to the treaders...9.2mph then our 2 sets of 8...9.2, 2 sets of 8. This workout wasn't that bad. I called time at 13:05. I like having Melisa push me on those runs she is awesome!

Today was our Tuesday workout. Honestly if I could do a muscle up, this would suck but since I cannot do one we broke it down. The original workout was 30 muscles ups. HOWEVER we changed it around since (1) we are unable to hange the rings high enough for muscle ups at run tex and (2) no one in class can actually do a muscle up. After practicing a little bit of form we turned the workout into an AMRAP in 20 mins having 3 ring dips and 4 pull ups = 1 muscle up. I used the smallest band they had on my dips, but no band on the pull ups. I completed around 22ish rounds. I'm not a very good count.

2.24.10 EPOC #1 wk.7
Today's workout was called "Wolverine". Honestly I think it was my least likable workout ever in crossfit. I"m not sure why BUT it was yucky, I was not a fan. It wasn't that it was hard, it was just different. Anywho the workout went as followed:
6 rounds:
10 clean to press
20 push ups
10 sit ups
400m run

Melisa and I met at my apartment complex to do this one and it still sucked. We used 25lb dumbbells for the clean to press. We ran the 400m at 9.2mph. I"m not going to talk much about this one because nothing I have to say is positive LOL.

This was our Thursday workout and my ego booster! This workout left me high as a kite! The workout was:
3 rounds:
400m run
10 power clean to overhead (ground to overhead)

Honestly I'm VERY nervous about putting weight over my head, VERY nervous. However I have been working on that. Womens Rx for this was 105lbs. I was like WTF? When I saw that written on the board. After warm up we set up our bars. Coach Lisa told me to put 95lbs on the bar. I loaded the bar up as she said, but I placed 2 5lbs plates by my bar just incase I got brave. I did one rep and OHHHH BOY this was going to suck. We lined up for the 400m run since it was first. Melisa set the pace and I did what I could to keep her at least in sight (man that girl is fast!). We ran back in I did my 10 reps of ground to over head with 95lbs. Same thing for round 2. Middle of my lifts Lisa asked me if I wanted to add weight then I said no last set. Guess what I was thinking about during my whole 400m run???? she did added the weight setting my bar at 105lbs when I was on my run and I came back and knocked them out. They were not easy but I did them! I put 100+lbs over my head 10 times!!! I was on cloud 9 ALLLL day long! It was awesome! I couldn't have done it without the support of my team though!

I spent this day running errands ALL day...that was enough of a workout.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


ARAP in 12mins
10 deadlift (20lbs)
10 shldr press (20lbs)
10 hang cleans (see below)

Well because we have to do hang cleans at our benchmark...and we are crazy. We decided to do our hang clean wt for this workout. So we set up with our dumbbells in front of our barbell loaded with our wt to clean...95lbs. We started and grunted through this (I'm not kidding). Yes that is 20lbs in each 40#...shoot me.

I pushed through and got 7 full rounds and 10 deadlifts of the next round. ouch.

2.11.10 - Thursday

30 20 10 DB Snatch (single Arm 25#)
20 10 30 Box Jumps
10 20 20 Pull Ups

OKay it isn't as hard to read as you would think. I did 30 DB Snatches (15 each arm), 20 box jumps and 10 pull ups, then 20 snatches (10 each arm), 10 box jumps and 20 pull got the drill. The weight used for the snatches was a 25lb dumbbell. Don't get me wrong this wasn't bad but it wasn't easy. LOL! I called time at 12:50! I actually came out rip free..which is a huge suprise!

2.12-15.10 Fri-Monday

I was bad this weekend. I was out of town getting my PT Cert through a different company so I was in class from 1-9:30pm Friday, and 8-6pm on Saturday and Sunday. I was wooped and mentally drained so I didn't workout. Bad Bad Bad girl I know. To make things worse I spent Monday playing catch up nad didn't workout either. Trust me, I felt it on Tuesday. word of advice, dont' do this, don't let work get in the way of your workouts...bad idea!

I did however keep up with my nutrition! I prepared all my food and labeled it with the zone blocks (I zone my paleo) using post-its and tape. Since I was staying with a friend I was able to keep things in her fridge instead of the icechest that I brought. Becky is use to me doing goofy things like this so she really didn't say anything. I did explain it to her and the reason behind it (faster stronger leaner). At my workshop, the bodybuilder dude did ask me if I was training for a show because I pulled out a labeled healthy snack. I said, "Nope, I just eat clean". That was the last he spoke to me LOL! I DID look around each day to see what these about to be Personal Trainers (if you passed yoru test) were eating and I almost felt sad for them. There were more energy drinks and bars in that room. Yes I use to be one of these people, that is why I can say this. A common snack for me would be a monster drink and/or a cliff bar. They just don't know that all they needed was to eat clean and that energy drink and/or bar wasn't really doing them any good! So sad! Those that sat at my table did ask mea bout paleo and crossfit and I told them and about my AMAZING experience with both! Hopefully I was able to impact them!

2.16.10 Tuesday
10-->1 reps
SDHP to Sprawls (M-65#/F-45#)
DB Thrusters (W-30#/M-65#)

All of these are Melisa's favorite lifts. I do have to say sprawls sure beat the heck out of burpees. The SDHP was done on a bar and the thrusters were done with deadlifts and butt on ball. I did this and called time at 7:24. You just couldn't stop. If you stopped you were done. LOL! I did my sprawls over my bar so that helped with efficiency.

2.17.10 - EPOC #2
40 manmakers (25#)

For those that don't know what a man maker is it is a sprawl with hands on 2 DB (one hand on each), push up, then a row with each arm, jump feet up still holding on to DB, Clean DB, OH Press them...that is one. Yes...ouch is correct! Melisa and I set this up at dreaded every min of it. 4 sets of 10 with random rest in between. This was FAR from easy! Infact I would be okay if I NEVER had to do these again! I called time at 13:11. That was the LONGEST 13 mins of my life. Death by manmakers...

2.18.10 - "NANCY"

5 rounds for time
15 OH Squat (65#)
400m run

Melisa saw this workout posted on the facer the night before and told me to go look at it. Weight mental block started building. I was already nervous and it was only the night before. I have seen one to many videos of lifters dropping weight on their neck and that was that. In powerlifting we NEVER put weight over our head. I was for real scared. We warmed up and set up. Awhile back we had to do OH squats and I dropped the weight from 65 to 55 because I was scared. But then after that workout we tried 65 and kicked ourselves for not doing 65. therefore this time I loaded the bar with 65. Lisa called GO and i snatched that bar over my head and suprisingly it wasn't that bad. I did 15 and took off for the run. Finshed the first run and picked that bar back up over my head and i thought okay its about to get hard now. Same thing, knocked them out...400m run. This happened to me every time. I did this workout unbroken (meaning I didn't take a break or set the bar down in between rounds). I was shocked!!! I actually MIGHT be able to add weight to the bar next time and do a heavier OH...scary and exciting all in one! I called tiem in 15:01...nancy smancy!!

2.20.10: EPOC Team 3 Workout

We met at the Wilk Hill...if you know what this is you will understand how hard this is...better yet how much it sucks. We warmed up in the drizzly rain and did the normal CF Dynamic workout. Then we paired up with another team mate. I paired with Jess. We were instructed to run up Wilk 5 times, then backwards 3 times (working posterior chain). HOWEVER we had to carry weight with us at least 3 of the 5 times up, no weight running backwards up. Jess and I shared a 25lb dumbbell. Alot of pairs took turns carring the weight up. We however shared the weight. I might have bruises on teh sides of my leg from the weight banging BUT we made it up the hill. LOL! We would walk/jog down. We thougth we only had to do 3 weight weight but she wanted AT LEAST 3. So we did #2 w/out weight but the rest with weight (4x with weight, 1x w/out). Then we ran/jogged/walked up it backwards. Stretched and left. I then left in search of coffee and a way to kill 45mins before the Kettlebell seminar. Needless to say, my butt HURTS!!!

Okay you should be caught up except for Sunday, today. I will do that tonight after my paleo dinner with friends at Maudies!! I will also include my KB notes so you to can learn about KB...

stay tuned...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I made "Karen" my BITCH!

Excuse the language, but I don't normally brag but I figured this one out and ROCKED it! We walked in to our 5:30am class and the workout written on the board was called "Karen" and it was 150 wall balls 14#F/20#M for time. I hate wall balls. There has to be a strategy behind this. We paired up due to a shortage of med balls. One group went then the other. Melisa and I were partners...shocker. She went first and I was 2nd. I observed and watched others and planned (typical of me). I was up. Plan = sets of 25 till finished. I kept that about 95% of the way through. I had to break the last set up into 10 reps and 15 reps. Then I dropped the ball a few times. However I called TIME in 5:19 with rx wt of 14#...HELLS YES! Take that "Karen"!!!!

3oz ground bison
1c butternut squash
almond butter

1 boiled egg
trail mix: cashews, rasins, almonds

3oz ground bison
1c red/yellow pepers
almond butter

1 boiled egg
1 apple
almond butter

dinner: Chicken Salad
2.7oz chicken
2 cup lettues
3 baby tomatos cut in half
1/4c carrots
lemon juice for dressing
almond butter

i'm still hungry. Clearly I didn't eat enough. ugh.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Week #5 Begins....

Today we had a GREAT workout just before Melisa had to leave for Fberg! We started off with the regular crossfit endurance workout from Saturday. This was:
9x1min on/1 min off

After our normal 1/2 mile warm up at 7mph we set the treaders for 9.5 and knocked these out noooo problem! I'm actually very shocked at the fact that I was able to still unload on melisa as we ran...i never stop talking LOL!

We then moved on to one of our EPOC Workout #3 It went like this:

21-15-9reps with (30#)
Swings (overhead)

This means you do all 3 exercises for 21 reps, then again for 15 then for 9. Honestly it was the burpees that kicked my butt! I called time at 5:29.

We then finished up our workout with practicing our OH squats, a few thrusters, a few hang cleans and 20 pull ups! We found a way to save our hands and still do pull ups at The Hills, SCORE!

My food log was HORRIBLE today...I soooo need to go to HEB...I didn't eat near enough...

1boiled egg
1 apple
Almond Butter

1T almond butter

3oz ground bison
2c roasted cauliflower
coco balls :)

Sparkling water

3-4oz fish
4 cups roasted cauliflower
slasa (for the cauliflower)
coco balls!

Catch Up/Recap

Okay here are my workouts...I will start adding my food logs again starting this week...

Fight Gone Bad: Bench mark workouts for my T/Th Class
What you do is 1 min at each station then rest 1 min, 2 rounds

Round 1: 121 total
Push Press 19
Box Jumps 29
Sumo Dead Lift High Pull 30
Wall Ball (14#) 34
Row: concept 2 9

Round 2: 116 total
Push Press 19
Box Jumps 25
Sumo Dead Lift High Pull 25
Wall ball (14#) 35
Rower: concept 2 12

2/3/10: EPOC workout #? 7:56
You would do 20 swings, 2 sprawls, 18 swings, 4 burpees...

Swings: 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
Sprawls: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20
5 40yd sprints

2/4/10: "Jen C"
Since Jen Cardella was working on powerlifting style movements we did a workout in honor of her. all I gots to say is good thing this one was NOT time. do the following WITHOUT putting the weight down:
9 deadlift
6 hang cleans
3 push Jerks

Pounds per round Rounds: 75/80/85/95/105 (prob could have done more)
I was actually impressed with myself on this one, I'm not a fan of having the weight overhead...just isn't my cup of tea. However I did it and it worked! I actually could have done more...this is my PR for sure!

2/5/10: Endurance EPOC Workout (w/ melisa)
this was run 1 mile as fast as possible, rest for half the time...repeat for 3 miles...
1/2 mi warm up
Mile #1: 7 mins (8-9mph)
Mile #2: 6:51 (9mph)
Mile #3: 6:49 (9-9.5mph)

I had a client so I couldn't cool down!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Wk. 4 EPOC workout #1

Well today we did week 4's EPOC workout #1....can you believe it is already week 4!!! WOW! I am debating on if I should take 4 week photos or get my body fat/wt tested. Before I get into that here is what the workout was:

50 lunges
400m run
50 pushups
400m run
50 dips
400m run
50 squats
400m run

This was done in 13:26...Goal was under 13:30 and we did it! Our speed on the treader was nothing under 9.0mph...FAST if you ask me! Great the heart rate up there thats for darn sure!

I haven't ate dinner yet, but so far here is my caloric intake:
2 boiled eggs
2 c Strawberries
9 almonds

2c grapes
3 almonds

Lunch: salad
4.5talipia grilled
0.5c celery
1.c strawberries
2-3c lettuce
almonds 6
1/2 avacado

2c strawberries
9 almonds

Sunday Sprints

Sunday sprints was rough. It was cold...35 felt like 28...yeah it sucked. But we got moving and got them done. here is how it went:
Total Dist: 2.55mi
total time: 31:43

These totals included:
warm up: 11:04 min

We had to do 8 sprints up hill. We ran up and walked down. I have them orgainzed as:
hill #/time/dist/pace per mi


We finished with a nice jog home of 0.7mi/6:32min/mi. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I'm not saying it wasn't cold...honestly I think it snowed on my way over to Melisa's casa.

Well my food log is HORRIBLE and I'm not going to even to list what I ate because it was all over the board...all paleo but raondom!