Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I made "Karen" my BITCH!

Excuse the language, but I don't normally brag but I figured this one out and ROCKED it! We walked in to our 5:30am class and the workout written on the board was called "Karen" and it was 150 wall balls 14#F/20#M for time. I hate wall balls. There has to be a strategy behind this. We paired up due to a shortage of med balls. One group went then the other. Melisa and I were partners...shocker. She went first and I was 2nd. I observed and watched others and planned (typical of me). I was up. Plan = sets of 25 till finished. I kept that about 95% of the way through. I had to break the last set up into 10 reps and 15 reps. Then I dropped the ball a few times. However I called TIME in 5:19 with rx wt of 14#...HELLS YES! Take that "Karen"!!!!

3oz ground bison
1c butternut squash
almond butter

1 boiled egg
trail mix: cashews, rasins, almonds

3oz ground bison
1c red/yellow pepers
almond butter

1 boiled egg
1 apple
almond butter

dinner: Chicken Salad
2.7oz chicken
2 cup lettues
3 baby tomatos cut in half
1/4c carrots
lemon juice for dressing
almond butter

i'm still hungry. Clearly I didn't eat enough. ugh.

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