Saturday, January 30, 2010


I began the day with my 5:30am workout which I LOVE so much! Today went as followed:

21-15-9 (reps)
Ab Mat Crunches
OHSQ 95/65# (squatting with a bar overhead)
superman (back extensions)
Box Jumps (22")

This means you go through the list and do everything 21 times, then 15 times then 9 times. I did 55# for my OHSQ because I'm VERY nervous about having weight over my head. However after we were all done, Pam, Melisa and I worked on OHSQ with 65#...we so should have done 65#. My time would have been slower than 10:40 but I would have put up more weight. Oh well it is done, I know for the future. Now for my food log:
Pre Breakfast (because my alarm goes off at 4:30am)
1 boiled egg

2 egg whites
1 apple
1/4 of a cantaloupe
1/2 avacado

1 boiled egg
1/4 cantaloupe
3 almonds

3.2oz almond crusted chicken
2c cauliflower
1c kale
1/4c salsa

1 boiled egg
1c strawberries
6 almonds

3.5 meat (chicken and steak)
2c lettuce
2c kale
1c strawberries
almond butter
cashews (waaaaay to many)

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