Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wed. 1.27.10

Okay I know behind but I'm going to catch you up! Today Melisa and I did the EPOC Workout #3 (elite level) workout which was:

100 dumbell snatches for time
men 55lbs/women 35lbs

This workout was rough...typical CF workout. Dynamic warmup then we grabbed our dumbells and headed to an open area. 5 reps with one hand, 5 reps with the other...back and forth all the way to 100. At the end it was my legs that hurt, not my shoulder/back/arms/etc. I'll tell you first snatch I was off balance and BAM on the back of the neck. All I could do was reset and redo the rep. When I finished in 5:50 I had a nice bruise on my right arm. Then sadly after a discussion with Lisa the next day we found out we didn't squat low enough. You snatch, full squat and stand up with the weight. The stand up is the finish position. I thought about redoing the workout and actually considered it but then I realized how much my legs hurt, WOW! LOL!

After that workout we practiced some hang cleans because we have to do them for the benchmark workout. They went as followed:
5 @ 65#
5 @ 75#
5 @ 85#
5 @ 95# (my weight for the benchmark)

these didn't feel to bad. I was pretty impressed with them actually! I think I will be able to improve my benchmark time.

Well since I haven't been doing this I decided to give start putting my food log on here if I can remember. You can't have one without the other if you want to make improvements. You have to have nurition AND exercise. As most you know I have been following a paleo style of eating. So far so good. According to Melisa day 29th will be a habit. I started on Jan. 8th. Okay here it goes (FYI I REALLY need to go to HEB):
1 egg
1 apple
almond butter

1 apple dipped in almond butter

Lunch: Jason's Deli with the parents
I ate salad bar with all paleo stuff

mixed nuts

almond crusted fish
2c veggies

Then I introduced mom to paleo coco balls: which I ate to many.
1.5c pitted dates
2c slivered almonds (or walnuts)
3-4T of all natural coco
I added pro power
I have also added goji (sp?) berries!
about 4-6oz of water

Put it all in the food processer, roll into balls and enjoy!
Okay so that was a BAD example of how to eat paleo....better next time!

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